Project Benefits
Develop waterfront for benefit of both salmon and human needs, w/o conflict
Assures continued public access to popular community beach
Combine passive recreation with education/interpretation
Excellent habitat observation
It offers a unique opportunity to develop waterfront for benefit of both salmon and human needs, w/o conflict. This situation is clearly shown by the excitement of the fisheries groups.
Acquisition as a local park appears to be the only way to assure continued public access to this popular community beach, with a well documented history of public use extending back to the beginning of the century. The beach is a popular clam-digging site and the protected location at the south end of Port Townsend Bay, in the lee of Kuhn Spit, offers a unique, low energy site. There are no breakers or undertow most of the year, making it a safe site for wading and other water related activities.
If offers a rare opportunity to combine passive recreation with education/interpretation, preparing visitors for the experience - enhancing the quality of their recreational experience and simultaneously helping to mitigate adverse impacts of people’s activities on salmon habitat through increased awareness of the nature of the needs of the fish..
Excellent habitat observation site. It is the obvious place to enter the creek corridor, and could be designed to provide the only public access to this area.