Public Benefits
Only un-roaded estuary in region
- Last “Wild Place” in the area
- Solitude and isolation
- Quiet for observation / contemplation
Highest Quality Natural Amenities:
- access to extensive beach and tidelands
- access to pristine estuary
- access to restoration of wildlife habitat
Interpretive Sites are important in the Comp Plan. This an excellent site to Interpret.
It offers the opportunity to interpret rich cultural history with Native American uses and Early Settlement activities. This beach fronts on prperty was once the center of a community of over 5000 people, based on the Irondale Steel Mill. The old jail is still there, buried under blackberries.
There is also an excellent site to interpret the estuary and habitat. This interpretation can help prepare people before they enter the sensitive habitat areas. Because the site is at the end of a County Road that leads to water and offers ample space for parking as well as recreational amenities, it provides the logical point of access to wildlife refuge and fish habitat on beach and at creek.
The benefits of a roadless estuary are enormous. Most of the comparable properties in the area (estuaries and rivers) have heavily traveled highways through them. One can rarely hear herons call when cars and trucks are zooming past. Solitude - no visible residential development from most of park and the view-sheds are protected by habitat purchases which are expected to acquire sensitive parcels before they are developed, in order to provide additional buffers along the creek .