Slide 8 of 32
This map (hard to read on my screen - should be re-drawn by IDMS with line-weights suitable for projection and aspect ratio suited to landscape mode slides) shows park ownership, and facilities
The following Recreational Facility Categories are identified by Jefferson County IDMS: Day Use Only, Campground, Boat Launch, Unimproved
Parks are further catalogued by ownership, Red indicates State Park, Orange indicates a County Park nad Black indicates a City of Port Townsend Park.
Inventory of Passive Recreation sites:
Total = 7: Larry Scott trail, Fort Townsend, Fort Flagler, Oak Bay, Mystery Bay, Kah Tai. Natural Areas = 6: Upper Fort Townsend, Fort Flagler, Oak Bay, Mystery Bay, Kah Tai. Beaches = 5: Fort Townsend, Fort Flagler, Oak Bay, Mystery Bay, Kah Tai. Lower Hadlock. Estuaries =1 Oak Bay, Streams = 1; H J Carrol. Cultural Interpretation = 0. Educational Interpretation = 4: Marine Science Center, Kah Tai, Union Wharf, H J Carrol. Wetland = 3: H J Carrol, Kah Tai, Larry Scott.
Finer gradations of the Recreational Opportunity Spectrum are addressed in the following slide: