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Input from the survey, public workshops, community planning groups, andpublic meetings indicated that the major demands of the citizens ofJefferson County were:
Acquisition/Preservation/ConservationA. Saltwater Access B. Trails C. Open Space/Parks1. View Points/High Bluff Viewpoints 2. Community Parks/ Pocket Parks3. Conservation EasementsIn the years of 1995-2000, the County has identified as a priority theacquisition of parks and open space properties. Specific properties to beacquired will be identified based on the goals and objectives of this planChimacum Creek Conservation Easements; Preservation ofChimacum Creek, has been identified as an essential need for many years.The County, and conservation groups such as the Chimacum Watershed Council, recommend actively pursuing conservation easements to protect the quality of water in Chimacum Creek. The Creek has an active Salmon run, and is a major drainage for the mid-Quimper Peninsula.This rating system is used to evaluate property under consideration. As you can imagine, this property nails all the criteria.