More Spider Stuff
One of the cleverest adaptations to life in the snow-pack are the spiders, who scavange the snow, living on flying insects blown onto the snow and too cold to fly away. The spiders take up residence on the many tufts of the spongy black snow-mold (herpotrechia sp.) which infects the needles of alpine conifers.
The clumps of snow-mold that have been scattered by the wind across the surface of the snow melt holes and the spider hides in the hole, protected from birds, insulated by the mat of moss-like herpotrechia sp and kept warm and active by the sunlight it absorbs.
I promised my editor I'd find the name of the species and discovered that the little research has been done on insects of the Olympic Mountains. As a result, this spider is unreported, and its habits are undocumented, and its name is unknown.
Text and Images Joe Breskin
© 1991